We are co-organizing an invited session on "Scientific Machine Learning for High-Fidelity Simulations in Additive Manufacturing" at Sim-AM 2025 in the beautiful city of Pavia, Italy!
We are happy to announce that Iason Sideris, a researcher from our lab, has successfully transitioned from their PhD program to take on the role of postdoctoral researcher.
New paper alert: Our latest paper, "A kinetic model of the austenitization behavior of additively manufactured 17-4 PH martensitic stainless steel" has been published in the Journal of Materials Research and Technology (Q1, IF 6.2)
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Advanced Manufacturing Lab
The 4th CIRP-sponsored International Conference on Thermal Issues in Machine Tools (ICTIMT) will take place in Zurich, Switzerland, from June 17–19, 2025. Visit the website for more details.
Student Projects
The Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory is offering many exciting students projects, including Bachelor, Master and Semester theses. You can check them out here.