
AconityMIDI+ SLM Machine
- Optional Aerosint Multimaterial Recoater
- Process Monitoring Capabilities: Thermal Camera, In-line High Speed CMOS Camera, In-line Pyrometer, Lateral CMOS Camera

Atomizer ATOLab+
- High quality metal powder ultrasonic atomizer
- Working in Ar atmosphere
- Wide range of atomizable alloys (e.g. Steel, Aluminum alloys, Titanium alloys)

- Robot-based direct metal deposition
- Multi-axis deposition strategy
- Weld bead geometries, melt pool size and interpass temperature can be controlled online or in-situ

Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) FCT System
- Max Temperature 2500 °C
- Max. Pressure 5-250 kN
- Tool diameters: 20 mm, 40 mm, 80 mm
- Max heating power 60 kW (SPS), 80 kW (induction)

FeinTool HLT 1250 Fineblanking Press
- Hydraulic triple action press
- Max Cutting Force 4000 kN, Max Drawbead-Force 2000 kN, Max Binder-Force 1000 kN
- Max cutting speed 80 mm/s
- Usable surface 1250x900 mm

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Zeiss Evo10
- Large chamber
- High resolution down to few nanometers
- BSD and EDX detectors

Dilatometer DIL 805 A/D/T
- Quenching & deformation dilatometer with tension & compression testing mode
- Induction heating up to 1700°C with fast heating & cooling rates (up to 4000 °C/sec for heating)

Bulge Machine
- It has a test piece holder and allows a tool to be raised and lowered by means of oil pressure
- A DIC system can optionally be mounted above the test piece fixture to allow visual observation

Zwick Roell Tensile Machine
- Max load of 250 and 50 kN, respectively
- Equipped with makroXtens extensometers (sensor arm extensometers)
- The 50kN testing machine is used with flat specimens and equipped with a climate chamber (T up to 250°C)