Publication alert

New paper alert: Our latest paper, "A kinetic model of the austenitization behavior of additively manufactured 17-4 PH martensitic stainless steel" has been published in the Journal of Materials Research and Technology (Q1, IF 6.2)
Keynote at Accelerator Forum 2024

Prof. Markus Bambach opens Capgemini's Accelerator Forum 2024 with a keynote address on "Innovative Manufacturing Processes: Improve, Adapt or Reinvent?"
Publication alert

New paper alert: Kalman filter-driven state observer for thermal error compensation in machine tool digital twins
Publication alert

New paper alert: Layer-to-layer melt pool control in laser powder bed fusion
Publication alert

New paper alert: Too hot to print, too slow to handle; finding optimal path characteristics for WAAM
PhD defense

Congratulations to Iason Sideris on successfully defending his doctoral thesis titled: Path Planning Optimization in Deposition-based Additive Manufacturing.
Publication alert

New paper alert: Geometrical modeling of ultrashort pulse laser ablation with redeposition and analysis of the influence of spot size and shape
Publication alert

New paper alert: Computational and experimental investigation of thermally auxetic multi-metal lattice structures produced by laser powder bed fusion
Publication alert

Correlation analysis of feedstock flowability and temperature for laser-based powder bed fusion of polymers
Publication alert

New paper “Experimental and numerical investigations of pore formation mechanisms in cold spray” has been published in Journal of Manufacturing Processes.
Publication alert

Our new paper, “Exploring co-processing strategies for multi-material Spark Plasma Sintering of pure Cu with AlSi10Mg by Master Sintering Curves”, has been published in the Journal of Materials Research and Technology.
Publication alert

New paper “Quantifying the effects of inlet gas and collision models in direct metal deposition using a CFD-DEM approach” has been published in Powder Technology.
Publication alert

Our new paper, "Effects of CuCr1Zr contamination on the tensile properties and microstructure of stainless steel 316L produced via laser powder bed fusion", has been published in Progress in Additive Manufacturing
Publication alert

We are pleased to announce that our work on "Laser powder bed fusion of planar bi-metallic thermally auxetic lattice structures" has been published in CIRP Annals.
Publication alert

Our latest work on "A meshless computational framework for studying cold spray additive manufacturing including large numbers of powder particles with diverse characteristics" has been published in Nature Scientific Reports.
Publication alert

Our collaborative work with the National University of Singapore and Sichuan University on multiscale fracture modeling has been published in the International Journal of Computational Methods. The paper's title: "Direct FE2 based on single integration point for modeling damage evolution of materials with micro-cracks"
New paper out!

New paper published on self-optimizing method and software for calibration and mapping of a laser system for laser machining.
Metals SI: Call for Papers
MDPI Metals (IF: 2.9) is hosting a Special Issue on Laser Ablation & Precision Cutting of Sheet Metals, with guest editor Dr. Mamzi Afrasiabi.
New paper out!

New publication on a new strategy to produce defect-free CuCrZr-316L steel multi-material structures by coupling hot isostatic pressing and laser powder bed fusion.
New paper out!

New paper published on end-to-end path planning for homogeneous temperature fields in additive manufacturing.
New paper out!

New paper published on the effects of beam shaping on copper-steel interfaces in multi-material laser powder bed fusion !
New paper out!

New publication out on the modeling of martensite formation and hardening behavior of TRIP material