Publication alert
Our new paper, "Effects of CuCr1Zr contamination on the tensile properties and microstructure of stainless steel 316L produced via laser powder bed fusion", has been published in Progress in Additive Manufacturing

Copper contamination has a negative effect on the tensile properties of certain stainless steel grades due to a weakening of grain boundaries via liquid metal embrittlement. This is especially problematic given current trends in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) that elevate contamination risks, such as multi-material processing or the use of recycled materials. As such, it is critical to establish composition limits for use in standard specifications. This study investigates the changes in tensile properties and cracking behavior in stainless steel alloy 316L contaminated with copper alloy CuCr1Zr at concentrations of 0-10 particle-percent (pt.%) in horizontal, diagonal, and vertical build orientations. It is found that microcracks are already present at 1 pt.% Cu alloy and increase in density with contamination. The cracks are generally vertically oriented along columnar grain boundaries and are associated with high local Cu content, thus exacerbating the anisotropy of the as-built material. The contamination decreases the elastic modulus, yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and uniform elongation, eventually transitioning from ductile to brittle fracture modes. The build
orientation relative to the tensile loading axis is shown to be a critical design parameter due to the preferential crack initiation and growth direction. The fracture surfaces at 10 pt.% contamination show regularly spaced, smooth brick-like cleavage patterns that correspond to the columnar grain dimensions. Even so, the measured YS and UTS exceeded the ASTM F3184-16 standard for CuCr1Zr contaminations up to 5 pt.%. As a conservative limit, it is proposed that a maximum content of 1 wt.% Cu be specified for L-PBF SS316L.
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